The Labour party has suffered a disaster at the polls unparalleled in recent times, and the National Government returns to power with a majority approaching 500 Ñ nearly 150 more than the Liberal majority in 1906, which until to-day held the record as the largest majority any Government has had since the Reform Bill. With seven results to be decided to-day or in the next few days, the alignment of parties is:Ñ Seats Gains Losses Net Gain Net Loss Government 55 221 5 216 Opposition 57 5 221 216 Party Strengths Government Conservatives................................ 470 National Labour............................. 13 National Liberals........................... 33 Liberal Nationals (Simon group)...... 31 Independents................................. 4 Total...................................... 551 Opposition Labour...............................................51 Liberals...............................................5 Independent Labour.............................1 New Party...........................................0 Communists........................................0 Total.....................................57 The aggregate vote was:Ñ For the Government..........14,150,915 Against the Government....7,215,842